

Athletes - Volleyball - Professional

 American Pro Volleyball Player | The Circle S2 | 📍Korea | University of Texas Alumni
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Personalized Video


Let me help make your day or a friends day special with a customized video! It can be anything from wishing you or a friend a happy birthday to a motivational pep talk or anything else your heart desires!

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Birthday DM


Let me help make you or a friends birthday special with an Instagram DM from me! Let me know the username and who is for! I look forward to it!

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FaceTime Call


Lets chat for 20 minutes on a FaceTime call and talk about anything you want! It can be about my time on The Circle or how it is to be a Pro Volleyball Player or anything else! I look forward to it!

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Autographed Volleyball


I will sign a volleyball for you and ship it to your place! Let me know the address the item needs to be shipped to and who it is for!

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Virtual Coaching Session


Lets hop on a 45 minute video call and go over what can help you be the best player on the court! We can focus on whatever you want to improve! We can also focus on new drills and mechanics! Can't Wait!

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Custom Workout Video


I will create a customized workout video that I do to stay fit as a professional volleyball player!

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Autographed Jersey


I will sign a jersey of mine and ship it to your place! Let me know the address the jersey needs to be shipped to and who it is for!

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Business Promo Video


Let me help your company by creating a video! Let me know what you would like me to say and what you want me to do! A script would be great if possible!

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