

Entertainers - Comedians

 Stand-up Comedian!
Ranch Life!
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Ranch Life Tips n' Tricks


Join me for an interactive session! Have your questions ready about our homesteading journey, cultivating our own food, and much more. Let's dive into the secrets of ranch life together!

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Home Build Consultation


Join me for a chat about the intricate process of building a home. It can be quite a journey, so feel free to bring your questions, and I'll provide the answers you need!

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Joke Session!


Let's hang out for a fun session and dive into the comedy world. We'll brainstorm jokes together and have a good laugh along the way!

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Starting a Podcast Advice


Let's explore the exciting world of podcasting. Join me as I share my tips and tricks for everything from interviews to storytelling!

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True Crime Chat


If you're as obsessed with true crime as I am, let's get together and have a lively chat about it!

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Personalized Video Message


Share your joke idea or let me know who you'd like me to roast, and I'll craft a personalized video with my comedic twist on it!!

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