

Athletes - Basketball - College Basketball - University of Pittsburgh

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One on One FaceTime Call


Let's arrange a time to get on a facetime call! Can't wait to meet you guys!

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Workout Routine


Let's workout together! We'll hit the weights and get swoll together!

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Personalized Video Message


Let me know if there is anything specific you'd like me to say and I'll make sure to include it in your personalized video message!

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2k Games


Let's run some 2k! I'd be thrilled to play 2k in any game mode with you! Let's get some buckets!

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Call of Duty Gaming


Let's play some Call of Duty! This is my favorite game so let's run some COD and catch some wins!

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Instagram Like and Comment


Let me know what your handle is and what specific post you want me to interact with and I'll make sure to leave a like and comment! If there's anything you'd like me to say in the comment, let me know!

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Pregame Playlist


I'll share some songs that I listen to before GameDay to get me hyped up to get buckets!

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